Tuesday, January 30, 2007


So Brody leaves most of the nasty comments on the blog..."Uh, hello, you gonna post?" Brody doesn't have the demanding job his father does.

He has time to take pictures of himself in his new apartment in West Hollywood.
He has time to date a thousand guys. He has time to go out every night.

He's also 23.

We had lunch the other day- and talked about dating...and how excited we are about the cruise. We have a great time together. In many ways, he is the perfect wingman. These two guys (well one guy unbeknownst to his lover) were working me at RAIDD in Paris- and Brody was just urging this guy on. They were from Dublin...and I would have gone home with the one- if it were not for the older, very protective lover. So when "Kevin" asked me to come home with them, I declined. I don't need the drama. And sure, I haven't gotten laid....in a LONG time, but I can certainly wait a bit longer. Well not THAT much longer.

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