Monday, December 4, 2006

15 Weeks until the cruise

So Brody and I are going on the Atlantis Southern Caribbean cruise in March....and I'm in a body image panic. I've got this 47 year old body....that's been under-gymed for the last year. And NO ASS.
So I posted all these pictures on my closet doors and motivational sayings...."15 Weeks and Counting" "Have you gone to the gym today?" "Think before you eat."

And of course the pics of what I COULD be like...if I were 20 years younger and had the right genetic predisposition.

And I AM going to the gym. And I will not be shamed on that damn cruise. And I WILL get a butt.

The last Atlantis cruise I went on- about a year and a half ago was probably the best vacation ever. I went with my friend Phil from Laguna- he's known as "the Governor."

I brought about 5 books with me, thinking I'd be laying out on the deck reading most of the time. No....I was up until 5 am every night dancing. Here's a pic of me and Phil and a new friend who wanted to get his tongue pierced.

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