Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Brody and the boys

I love Brody and his posse. They're always a good time- either up at the house- or out at the bar...

Unfortunately, going to the same bar as your son has its problems. As much as I love him, he's a horrible "cock block."

A few weeks ago we were at Here- and a nice young man had turned his attentions on me. Brody watched from afar and then decided to strike. He walked up to this young man and asked "Excuse me, are you a prostitute?" The boy was non-plussed. He said, "What?"
Brody continued, "Are you a hooker"
The young man was stunned...and stammered out a "No. Why?"
Brody responded, "All my friends and I thought you might be, the way you were hanging on my dad."
Brody turned on his heels and disappeared into the crowd.
The boy sheepishly turned and disappeared as well...leaving me with my vodka tonic.

Kids. Ugh.

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