Saturday, February 24, 2007

Dorian Gray- Phase Three

So yesterday I went to get some pre-cancers taken off my face with a process called Photo Dynamic Therapy- the side benefits being it also gets rid of fine wrinkles and tiny veins as well as sunspots. It shrinks pores and gives you smoother, younger looking skin.

That last line in the brochure got me hooked.

The catch is, the treatment takes hours- the laser that zaps you is described as giving you moderate to severe pain. (more like a rubber band snap on your face) AND, the next day you have to stay indoors, with all curtains drawn and completely avoid sunlight.

So here I sit, like Miss Havisham, waiting for the sun to go down so I can get outside.
Overall, the process isn't so bad. The pic, from the next morning has me a little red- much like a sunburn- and the spots darker where I got zapped.

And that was phase three- phase two was the cut and color I got from Rex Salon earlier this week. Below is the next day photo- and the picture of me hidden in the attic!

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