Monday, October 10, 2011

Living Together

Brody and I have been "roommates" for a year a half... well not so much roommates, as I pay the rent. In our new apartment, we each have our own wing which is a "good thing" as Martha might say. And when there are no dishes in the sink, or clothes on the floor and the toothpaste and toilet paper have not been stolen- life is good.
Actually, it's nice to come home to a friendly face who asks about my day. I still find "teachable" moments. Don't put potato skins in the disposal- it will clog the sink. A wine glass in the disposal once a year will keep the blades sharp. A double Windsor knot is in every way superior. Shined shoes are a good thing. A dinner party with good friends is a great way to spend a Sunday evening.
He teaches me- to not take everything so seriously. To sing more. To buy furniture that doesn't look like it came from my grandmother's house. Somehow he's been granted veto power over the furniture purchases. How the heck did that happen?